
Prolog - Expert-System

Implementation of a small expert system to assist people in identifying hardware-related problems with their PCs.
prolog backtracking how why recursion

Python - @food_recsys_bot

A recsys for healthy recipes, integrated into a telegram chatbot and focused on persuasive explanations to encourage users to adopt healthier eating habits.
python chatbot explanations python-telegram-bot recsys dialogflow

Python - Anomaly Detection in Agri-Food Supply Chain

A comparison of novel methods for anomaly detection in the agri-food supply chain, specifically exploring the effectiveness of Autoencoders and Self-Organizing Maps in computer vision.
python computer-vision anomaly-detection pytorch tensorflow autoencoder self-organizing-map

Python - Security Cam

Implementation of a simple security cam that records video feed only when a face or a body is detected in the current frame.
python computer-vision opencv face-recognition haarcascade lbph eigenfaces

Java - Text Adventure

Implementation of an old-school themed text-adventure inspired by a Dungeons&Dragons quest.
java java-swing parser text-adventure

Python - Face recognition: ML vs DL

Machine Learning and Deep Learning models comparision for face recognition.
python computer-vision opencv svm knn rf lr cnn machine-learning deep-learning